...I just shuffle a little slower now. - Alice Harmon
My wife comes up with these gems now and then. I love this one!
I meant to send this note out earlier, but..
It's a new year, and RRAFA reminds us to get our dues paid by the February meeting, or we won't appear on the next membership list in March. (I'm sure you'll be hearing from your new administration about this and other important things, soon).
But my reason for mentioning this is that once the new roster comes out, I'll have to remove members from the Artists page who haven't paid their $30 dues for 2025. It may be a small thing to you, but it's quite the undertaking to create a new page for an artist, and (invoking the phrase from the title) I'm moving a bit slower these days. And it's not just because my arm's in a sling.
So keep sending in replacement pictures for your page on the website, and if you don't have a page yet, please include a artist's bio and artist statement.
A final thought...I'd like to transfer the (easy) job of keeping the members and the general public up-to-date on our important activities. Call me if you're interested.